June 2021 Newsletter
“And what is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days”…James Russell Lowell
An oft-quoted line of poetry (and likely the best line in the poem…), but so apt in view of the spectacular spring we have had.
The exuberance of the roses in my garden as seen below I am certain is matched by that in your gardens.

‘Lady in Red’ w/ ‘Polish Spirit’ clematis

David Austin ‘Lady of Shallott’
With the promise of what the implicit hope is that resides in a June garden, I am writing my final letter to you all as President of the Garden Club.
I end where I began, two years ago, by declaring what an honor and a privilege it has been to serve as President of the Garden Club of Concord.
Who knew when I began that we would be confronted by the extraordinary circumstances of a global pandemic that brought the world as we knew it to a standstill?
It is so gratifying to say that despite that considerable obstacle, we were able to carry on and keep the club active, engaged and vital thanks to all of you!
In the past two years we have fully activated our new website; completed a new garden in West Concord, and added the maintenance of another at the Milldam; participated in four Art in Bloom events; provided virtual programming of great variety via Zoom; continued Family Trees and Wreaths; and, thanks to two virtual Plant Sales, continued our commitment to the community by funding grants and scholarships.
Additionally, thanks to those members who graciously took the time to make videos to share of their holiday arrangements, seasonal gardens, gardening tips, and wildlife photos. Also, kudos to so many of our talented floral arrangers who willingly created beautiful arrangements throughout the season.
We are truly fortunate to have so many accomplished members.
My gratitude to the Board of Directors for their unflagging dedication throughout, and to my predecessors for their continuing support.
I know that you will all provide the same commitment to our incoming President, Julia Farwell-Clay.
Below are some photos of what we were able to do over the past two years:
Take a field trip…

Trip to Little Leaf Farms
View two wonderful films …
Design and plant a new garden…
Participate in four Art in Bloom events…

Jeanne Hamilton’s arrangement for the Umbrella

Melinda Shumway’s & Elise Woodward’s arrangement for Concord Art

Erika Rodriguez’s arrangement for Concord Museum’s Art in Bloom

Pam Nelson’s & Ellen Whitney’s arrangement for MFA Art in Bloom
Learn about…
Dahlias, Thoreau and the Language of Trees, hydroponic lettuce-growing, traditions of Christmas, gardens in winter, hydrangeas, the history of Concord’s flora and fauna, and the ecology of Concord’s trails among other topics.
I have only touched on some of what we accomplished, but hope that you have come away with the same sense of satisfaction that I have as I leave my post.
Vote! Vote! Vote!
If you have not already done so, please submit your vote for our incoming slate of Executive Board Officers by the end of the day today, Wednesday, June 9th to Georgine Feldt, Recording Secretary at mailto:gsfeldt@aol.com
Julia Farwell-Clay, President; Lauren Huyett, Vice President; Sally Savelle, Corresponding Secretary.
Thank you.
Dues are due! From the Treasurer
Our dues remain the same for the coming year:
Active and Associate Members: $80
Non-resident Members: $50
Honorary: no charge
Payment is due by July 1, 2021.
Please send a check made payable to Garden Club of Concord to:
Garden Club of Concord P.O. Box 1296 Concord, MA 01742
Or: use Pay Pal on our website:
You will find pay dues under the “Member Resources” link on the main page. A service fee for the transaction is added at time of payment.
Any questions: contact Katie Sluder mailto:asluder22@gmail.com
The budget for FY 2021-22 was recently approved by the Board of Directors. It will be posted online by July 1st under Member Resources.
Committee News Roundup
Community Outreach
Thank you to those of you who have already signed up to take care of our community gardens to keep them looking their best throughout the season.
Please have a look here for open slots:
The Concord Carlisle Scholarship Fund has awarded our $1,000 scholarship to Liviya Kovacevic, a senior at the University of Vermont studying environmental science.
Thank you to Wilhelmina van der Wansem for opening her garden again to members for viewing her lovely and unusual rhododendrons.
A horticultural tip on peonies from Katie Sluder:
Here is the “recipe” to prolong the life of peonies:
1- choose flowers that have barely opened.
2- cut stems about 18 inches in length
3- strip off most of the lower leaves
4-roll up the flowers in a damp paper towel or damp towel
5-place in a plastic bag
6-place in the refrigerator in the produce drawer if possible
7-store flowers no longer than five weeks
8-take out, cut a few inches off the bottom stem, place in vase
Please send any updates to your personal information (email, address, cell phone) asap to Sandra Conrad mailto:psbp@comcast.net
Updated Directories will be available online by the end of June.
Photography Workshop
The workshop, led by Kirsten Torkelson, was held recently in the lovely garden of club member Jane Rupley.
Many thanks to Susan Hurley for arranging this workshop.
Everyone learned new ways to take a better photograph.
Here are Kirsten’s tips:Tip sheet 2021-workshop only

Kirsten Torkelson, Photo Workshop leader

L to R: Mary Ann Haas,Kirsten Torkleson, Betsy Howerton, Kathy Kobos, Patricia Waters,Susan Hurley

L to R: Joyce Lamensdorf, Katie Sluder,Jane Deering, Jane Rupley, Melinda Shumway, Susan Hurley, Jane Coutre, Liz Berk, Sally Savelle
Programs for the coming season will be posted online by the end of June. Please stay tuned and look at the Calendar section of the website for updates.
Garden Tours and other things to do…
The Carlisle Country Garden Tour is this Friday and Saturday.Please check here for further information:
Our own Ellen Whitney will once again be your guide to the Concord Museum’s virtual garden tour. For more information, please visit: https://concordmuseum.org/events/virtual-garden-tour/2021-06-25/
Ellen will also be the guide through seven Beacon Hill gardens on their virtual tour. For more information, please visit:
Kitsy Rothermel has sent along this invitation for GCC members to join a Zoom presentation by Liz Barbour:
WPA Gardening and Cooking With HerbsAnnouncementWithLink
In case you missed it…
Here is the article about GCC and other garden activities that appeared in the current issue of Discover Concord magazine:
What I never knew about our logo, the pink Lady’s Slipper:

Photo courtesy of Tom Rarich
As you might expect, I have bittersweet emotions about ending my term as president.
I am so pleased to have served, yet am glad to be passing the torch, or should I say trowel, to my successor who I know will lead the club forward in its 93rd year into what I hope will be a return to communal meetings starting with our club luncheon on Tuesday, September 14th.
My closing words are thanks to the Executive Board who served with me:
Andrea Meyers, Leslie Cheney, Georgine Feldt and Katie Sluder. And through last year: Cris Van Dyke and Pam Hixon.
Thanks, too, to departing Chairs on the Board of Directors: Ellen Whitney, Community Outreach; Maryrose Sykes, Grants,; Lauren Huyett, Membership; Elise Woodward & Jane Rupley, Programs; and Jen Lannan, Ways & Means.
To Kate Wharton for her dedicated work as Nominating Chair; Pam Nelson for her ongoing commitment as Horticulture Chair; and Erika Rodriguuez, Hospitality Chair who has stood by, ready to be on call when we return to our in-person meetings.
To Barb Fadden, who for the past two years quietly took care of publicity for the club.
To Tom Rarich, our website creator and administrator, my thanks for coming to my “rescue” on more than one occasion. Tom most recently created a new photo gallery for us that will be on view later this summer. Please keep an eye out for it.
A special thank you to an “unseen” contributor: Rachel Kramer, our Volunteer Coordinator, who expertly and efficiently answered the call each time a Sign Up Genius was needed. Her sign ups were a vital lifeline to keeping the club engaged in our virtual season.
My humble and grateful thanks to you all.
With that, I wish you all a wonderful, return-to-normal summer!
Fondest regards to all,