Founded January 1, 1928, the purpose of this Club is to promote appreciation of and to aid in the preservation, restoration and development of gardens and the natural environment in the Concord community through education and community service projects.
The Garden Club of Concord does not endorse or promote for-profit businesses or commercial products.

The Garden Club of Concord is a member of:
The National Garden Clubs, Inc.,
4401 Magnolia Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Brenda Moore, President
Theme: “Go Green – Plant America”
New England Regional Director/National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Susan Miner
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts
Marjorie Dienhart, President, 2023-2025
400 Fifth Avenue
Suite 110
Waltham, MA 02451
gardenclubfedma@gmail.com (office)
www.gcfm.org/mayflower (newsletter)
Theme: “Nurture Nature”
Middlesex District Director/Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts
Susan Shealy