Plant Sale 2024 and New Member Tea

Bespoke Radio Flyer container planting by Kate Wharton, purchased in the first half hour!


Garden Club of Concord Plant Sale 2024

Good morning! Many thanks to Lauren Huyett, Jen Lannan, Kate Wharton, Barbara Kohler for the photos below. 

Plant Sale Co-Chairs, Sarah Beguelin & Patricia Waters

What a day!

Holly Salemy, Andrea Meyer, Kate Chartner

Rod Riedel, Julia Farwell-Clay, Pam Nelson, Sarah MacEachern, Barbara Freeland; Rachel Kramer & Cathy Jenkins (in shadow)

Julia Farwell-Clay, Kate Wharton

Mother’s Day Bouquets!

Pamela Gildehaus, Barbara Kohler, Melinda Shumway, Joan Campbell, Lauren Huyett, John Althouse, Holly Salemy, Jane Rupley

Pat Sinton, Kathleen Kennedy, Lori Bratzler

Patricia Waters, Betsy Spaulding, Sandra Lynn, Sarah Beguelin


The general feeling from this year’s plant sale was one of satisfaction, both for the raising of money for our thriving Grant Program, but also how well staffed and supplied we were with the volunteer efforts from the whole range of the membership. It was so exciting to see longer serving members and so many new arrivals with the creases still in their aprons working together and socializing on Saturday morning! Our plants seemed especially healthy and diverse this year, and boy did our customers buy them quickly! There was an actual run on the field the moment we opened the sale!

The Plant Sale Committee has already started planning for next year, and so should we all! If you have non-standard Iris or other plants that bloom later than May (because we all know plants in bloom are extra appealing) taking a picture when they are at their best and attaching that photo to your potted offerings next spring will increase their perceived value and allow us to price them appropriately. 

Meanwhile: This year’s unofficial tagging award goes to John Althouse for these legible informative and waterproof beauties:


New Member Tea

Speaking of new members . . . the Wednesday following the Plant Sale was their special celebration. President Lauren Huyett opened her beautiful River Cottage for the afternoon where the Membership Committee, the Board, and sponsoring members welcomed ten of our 17 (!!) new additions to the Garden Club of Concord. It was a glorious afternoon, and everyone especially enjoyed wandering the freshly painted rooms of Lauren’s spectacular project. We gathered for a photo in front of the garden house, and Membership Chair Jen Stone took the photo below. See you all at Annual Luncheon!

Patricia Waters, Holly Salemy, Sarah Garland-Hoch, Barbara Kohler, Jeanne Hamilton, Sharon Vinci, Sarah Strong, Bridget Kelley, Pam Nelson, Cris VanDyke, Lisa MacDonnell, Julia Farwell-Clay, Kate Wharton, Joan Campbell, Jenny Borden, Pat Sinton, Hilary Robinson, Lili Morss, Andrea Meyers, Kelsey LeBuffe, Rachel Kramer, Pamela Gildehaus, Kathie Rose, Susan Amorello



As you may already know, Susan Eckel passed away the first week of May. I will include memories of Susan in the June Newsletter. If you wish to add to what I have already collected for that post, please send that along to me. Thank you.