Hospitality Sign-ups 2013-14
Happy summer ladies!
Anne Hrabchak and I are taking over from the very able and dedicated Lauren Huyett as Hospitality Chairs for the 2013-2014 year.
We are writing today to introduce you to the Sign-Up Genius we have created to manage the hostess sign-ups for our ten monthly meetings. This online form will replace the clipboard sign-up sheets previously circulated at our meetings. We believe this system will benefit the club and its members by allowing us to sign up at any time and keeping a live and accessible record of hostesses, along with automated email reminders. Feel free to sign-up as a head hostess (with a friend or as a “single”), or as a contributing hostess. No prior experience is required.
Acting as a hostess is a fun, interactive way to get to know other members of our club and, as stated in our handbook, “each active member is expected to serve as a hostess for (at least) one meeting each year.”
Use this link to sign-up now:
A detailed description of responsibilities is below:
Head Hostess: The Head Hostess (or Head Hostesses), for any given meeting either assigns tasks such as tea sandwiches, drinks or desserts to her hostesses, or she can ask people to let her know what they’d like to bring and make it work. Generally,* we need 4-5 different types of tea sandwiches (1 dozen each) and 3-4 different desserts (2 dozen each) as well as beverages. The Head Hostess needs to stay in touch with the hostesses to ensure that adequate refreshments will be provided and that everyone will show up where they are meant to when they are meant to. The Head Hostess will also communicate with the Hospitality Chairs to ensure that the tea service, cups, tablecloths and napkins are available. The Head Hostess meets all of the hostesses 45 minutes ahead of the scheduled event to set-up and stays to clean-up at end.
*In December and June we need more hostesses, because more people come and we have plates to pick up and wash. In December and June rentals for tables, chairs, plates, silverware and napkins (if needed), will be made by Hospitality Chairs.
Hostess: A Hostess prepares and brings her contribution to the meeting location 45 minutes before the event to help set-up, helps to pour or serve after the formal part of the meeting, and stays afterward to clean-up.
Thanks very much for helping us implement this change. If you run into any difficulties or have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of us directly.
Yours in the garden,
Anne & Anne