February 2020 Newsletter

Garden Club of Concord
Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this year, hence he predicts an early spring! What better way to anticipate it than viewing the film Five Seasons: The Gardens of Piet Oudolf at our next meeting, Wednesday, February 12th.
Piet Oudolf in Pensthorpe Millenium Garden, Norfolk, UK.
A film by Thomas Piper about the designer of New York City’s High Line and other world-famous gardens.
GCC will have a brief business meeting at 6 pm in the Main Stage Theater at the Umbrella, 40 Stow St. Light refreshments will be available at the meeting.
Doors open to the public at 6:30 pm. The film screens at 7pm.
This event is free. Invite family, friends, neighbors, and fellow gardeners to see this beautiful film!
Wednesday April 1st/ Gardner Museum tour to view the hanging nasturtiums/Luncheon to follow/Sign Up and further details coming soon!
From the President
As it appears we will not have a real winter (yet), no harm in thinking about forthcoming spring and all the delights it will bring including our annual plant sale on Saturday, May 9th.
This will be the club’s 90th annual sale (1930-2020). What a remarkable achievement! Congratulations to all past and present club members for their contributions to not only making this sale so successful, but also for returning the funds raised to our community in the form of grants and scholarships.
With this in mind, I ask you to start thinking about how you wish to contribute to the sale beyond the commitment we all make to provide at least 12 plants for the sale.
Co-Chairs Georgine Feldt and Jen Lannan will be sending out a Sign Up Genius in early March. There are many available jobs involved leading up to the day of the sale as well as on the day.
Many hands make light work! Proverbial, but true when it comes to our decades of successful plant sales.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at The Umbrella for our February meeting.
Sandra Conrad
Committee News
Spring Outreach March 18th 11:00 a.m. Tri Con Church
This is one of our most important outreach programs of the year. Please mark your calendars. This is our March GCC meeting.
Come to the lower level at Tricon Church, Wednesday March 18th, to make lovely spring gifts, enjoy a light lunch and choose where you want to deliver. This is one of our most meaningful outreach activities. Your visit to some of our Concord shut-ins will bring a smile and a bit of spring cheer where it is most needed.
If you have friends or neighbors who are experiencing difficult times, please send their names to Kitsy, Mary, Sally or one of the Susans. Your recommendations mean a lot, and we will make sure each person receives a touch of spring. Please have any names to one of the committee members by March 1st.
Kitsy Rothermel
978-369-7573; kitsy.mcr@icloud.com
Susan Eckel
978-369-9374; eckel.susan@gmail.com
Susan Fineberg
978-341-4111; susan@fineberg.net
Mary Kaiser
978-369-0157; mpkontrary@netscape.net
Sally Savelle
978-287-4837; sally.savelle@gmail.com
The creative team of Pat Lescalleet-Lashley, Pam Nelson, Ruth Piper and Erika Rodriguez are already at work on an arrangement that will bring delight to the recipients of Spring Outreach.
Ag Day
Although Ag Day is not until September 12th, the committee is beginning its planning for the event. Do you have a vegetable garden you would love to share as part of the GCC-sponsored Kitchen Garden Tour? Or, do you have a friend or neighbor who would like to share their garden? If so, please contact co-chair Kathy Venne at kfvenne@gmail.com.
We are still in need of two Head Hosts/Hostesses for our Spring Outreach meeting on March 18th. You are all set for hosts/hostesses, so your task will be easy!
Please contact either Hilary Robinson at hilaryrobinson@comcast.net or Erika Rodriguez at eerrodriguez@gmail.com.
Active Members: please remember that in order to remain an Active Member, you must attend at least four meetings a year, as well as host/hostess at a meeting and contribute plants and time to the plant sale.
We have 5 meetings remaining. If there are mitigating circumstances that prevent you from fulfilling these requirements, please contact Membership Chair Lauren Huyett 7huyetts@gmail.com
Federation Workshops/Native Plant Trust/ GrowNative
Please take a moment to look at all the wonderful programming and educational materials these organizations provide. You will surely find something to stimulate your interest in learning more about horticulture, gardening, native plants, pollinators and more!
We will be adding a list of links to resources such as these to our website in the near future.
Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts http://gcfm.org*
Grow Native http://grownativemass.org
Native Plant Trust http://nativeplanttrust.org
*this link already appears on our Home Page