A Garden Tour and a “Messy Moment”
Please take a moment to enjoy two videos made by GCC members Amal Moamar and Ellen Whitney. They are a welcome, if momentary, respite from the current cares of the world.

photo by Ellen Whitney
Click here to see Ellen create a lovely seasonal arrangement using materials in her yard. As expected, Ellen’s wonderful “eye” results in a beautiful bouquet.

Hellebores and more…
As many of you already know, GCC member Amal Moamar was born with a green thumb. Her knowledge of all things horticultural is extensive. If there is a plant that needs identification, the call goes out for Amal!
Please click on the following links to enjoy Amal’s descriptive tour through her garden of beautiful hellebores in bloom and of lovely things to come.
(Be sure to click on the photo to begin each video)