The Town House Garden
A brief history of the Town House garden —
The GCC garden at the Town House turned 15 this summer! It was installed in 2002 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the club. Led by Jo-ann Lovejoy and Jane Rupley, the committee (see below)* designed a pair of 25 x 6.5’ gardens to provide 3-season interest with colors that complement the brick facade of this prominent town location. No one was certain that the project would “fly.” In the garden proposal, it was noted that though the town was behind the garden and members enthusiastic about “digging in” — “if per chance we don’t succeed, the plants could be…sold at the Plant Sale and the site reseeded”.
Far from it, the garden has thrived, providing beauty and teaching moments to so many passersby’s in this prominent town location. Garden volunteers repeatedly hear positive comments of appreciation — and also field questions about the various plants and their care from interested community members. Club members have been generous with their time, quickly filling sign-up genius requests for weekly maintenance and spring and fall cleanups.
The Town House garden was renovated in 2010, and will again undergo a renovation in the spring, dividing perennials, reducing some now overgrown and adding new plants, all referencing the original plan.
The garden would not exist without the ongoing, 3-season, hands-on support of many, many club members, and we so appreciate how quickly club members volunteer to maintain this important piece of natural beauty in the town.
Photos of the garden in 2002-thanks to:
Jane Rupley, Cathie Sur, Jean Wood
As gardening season draws to a close, Sandy and I wanted to thank the over forty members who worked tirelessly in the Town House garden this year, weeding, watering, deadheading and more. They included —
Andrea Meyers, Holly Salemy, Lauren Huyett, Betsy Spaulding, Helene Clayton, Dorris Kehoe, Cris Van Dyke, Susan Hurley, Joan Campbell, Kim Burns, Georgine Feldt, Pam Nelson, Pat Sinton, Susan Eckel, Amanda von Weise, Anne Hrabchak, Kathy Venne, Beth Thut, Debbie Barr, Kitsy Rothermel, Patricia Waters, Jane Rupley, Melinda Shumway, Hilda Parrott, Mary Ann Ferrell, Amal Moamar, Kim Wass, Alisha Boyajian, Erika Rodriguez, Mary Pope, Heather Swartwood, Jen Lannan, Pam Hixon, Kathy Kobos, Nicole Kelly, Victoria Mulligan, Hilary Steinert and Mary Kaiser.
It was a milestone year, as we said good-bye to the West Concord garden by the 99, and celebrated 15 years of a garden at the Town House. The garden was installed in 2002 under the leadership of Jane Rupley and Jo-Anne Lovejoy, celebrating the 75th anniversary of our club.
We so appreciate the work of this years’ volunteers as well as those who have gone before. Their collaboration, commitment and good spirits keep the garden looking so lovely through the seasons.
Thank you volunteers!!
Ellen Whitney & Sandra Conrad
Late summer 2017 at the Town House garden: