Summer 2020
Greetings to all, and happy summer.
This is just a brief post to let you know how many of our garden club members recently contributed to the wonderfully successful Concord Museum Virtual Garden Tour.
As many of you know, the Museum’s annual tour was canceled due to the pandemic. However, the Museum staff and many Garden Club members worked in a short amount of time to create a virtual tour of five varied and beautiful gardens.
The members involved in bringing this delightful tour to the public were: Joan Campbell, Georgine Feldt, Leann Griesinger, Pam Nelson, Holly Salemy, Pat Sinton, Marta Taylor, Charity Tremblay, MartyWallace and Ellen Whitney who guided viewers through each garden with informative narration and made you feel as if you were in the garden with her.
If you have not already seen the tour, or if you wish to view it again, here is the link:
Please contact the Museum directly if you have questions.
How fortunate we are to have so many talented members in our club who provided their expertise to work with the Concord Museum to support this annual event that raises funds for educational outreach.
Odds and Ends…

Sunflowers: a symbol of happiness! And, of course, loved by pollinators, too.
Our beloved local resource, the Concord Free Public Library is open again for curbside pickup.
A pleasant surprise I found on picking up books was a basket with free sunflower seeds for the taking! The seeds are provided by a local organization, Cooler Concord, which sponsored a sustainability fair a few years ago.
The seeds were donated for a school project that was canceled. The group encourages you to plant them as a sign of optimism.
Sunflowers germinate quickly so there is still time to get them going. Did you know they are heliotropic? That is, before they become heavy with seeds, their flowers follow the sun from East to West!
[Please note: Cooler Concord does have a website, but it does not appear to be functioning. A link will be provided in the future on this website when the link is working again.]
Tower Hill Summer Speaker Series
THBG is sponsoring a series of programs online with speakers on varied topics including native plants; Emily Dickinson’s gardening life by author Marta McDowell; gardening as we age (sign me up!). Please visit Tower Hill’s website for more information under “Events and Programs.”
Small things making a difference

Members of the Concord Peace Vigil at the Milldam
This morning on a visit to our newly planted trough at the Milldam/Veterans Memorial, I came upon the gentlemen above who had just concluded their weekly meeting for the United for Justice with Peace group.
They chose to set up their lawn chairs around the planter to enjoy its beauty and to be able to talk and practice social distancing.
They were so appreciative of the garden club’s efforts, and as one member said to me “Peace and gardens go together.”
I can’t think of a more perfect statement in these stressful times.
Happy and Healthy Fourth of July to you all!
Sandra Conrad