Spring Basket Workshop 2017
We had a great turn out today despite the weather yesterday! What a bunch of hearty New Englanders! We made 180 baskets to be delivered to shut-ins and town offices-with everyone taking 5-10 baskets,we were quickly delivering and enjoying the appreciation. I know I loved seeing the look of pure joy when I delivered mine and stopped to visit for a bit with each person. Many thanks to Kitsy Rothermel and Susan Eckel for their lists of names to deliver to.
This is from Betsy Howerton:
“People are always so appreciative of the breath of sunshine that comes from the baskets we deliver. Each person I delivered to asked me to please thank the Garden Club for her. Just to have someone come to their door and bring the outside world is a bonus day. As is so often the case, I was the one who received the bonus today. Helen Wilayto told me the story of her husband Henry’s WWII service. A survivor of the Bataan Death March, he was eventually shipped to a POW camp in Japan. An amazing story of the resilience of the human spirit. Fortunately, his story survives through the Concord Oral History Project when Renee Garrelick interviewed him the year before he died.”
Thank you to all that participated!
Lauren Huyett and Sarah Garland-Hoch