New Garden

Ellen Whitney and Mary Kaiser get ready to spread mulch.
“Many hands make light work,” and this could not be more true than for the designing, digging, planting, watering, and mulching our new garden in West Concord.
If you have not already done so, please stop by to see the garden. We have planted on both sides of the Rail Trail with a variety of shrubs, grasses, and perennials.
We plan to finish this season by planting spring-blooming bulbs.
Thanks to the following people for keeping the new garden watered for the past month:
Georgine Feldt, Susan Fineberg, Anne Hrabchak, Mary and Bill Kaiser, Gail Keane, Dorrie Kehoe, Tracy Lyne, Wendy McNally, Ruth Piper, Maryrose Sykes, Patricia Waters, Ellen Whitney, and Chandler Woodland.
The “Merry Mulchers,” as Jane Rupley aptly named them, spread 6 yards of mulch to protect our new plantings. They were: Kate Chartener, Mary Ann Ferrell, Mary Kaiser, Jane Rupley, Beth Thut, and Ellen Whitney.
An official dedication of the new garden will take place in the near future. In the meantime, the club can take great satisfaction and pride in fulfilling our mission of adding to the beauty of our community.