May 2020 Newsletter
Wilhelmina van der Wansem’s big-leaf magnolia and flowering azalea
President’s Letter
April was a miserable, cold, wet month, but it did bring its rewards in May as evidenced by the wonderful display above from the garden of Wilhelmina van der Wansem, a long-time club member, talented arranger and horticulturist.
The beauty of this spring is evident everywhere one looks in Concord. The flowering trees and shrubs have lasted for weeks providing continuing pleasure to all of us formerly housebound who are now out and walking, appreciating anew what nature has to offer.
The hummingbirds (a group is called a “charm”—how perfect!) have returned along with bees, too numerous to count in my garden, following their “pollinator pathways” to the source of pollen and nectar. Their industry and focus never fails to amaze.
I nurture a secret hope that many of those who have found themselves at home during this pandemic will recall what comfort nature provided and perhaps choose to cultivate their own gardens and gardeners for the future!
Wishing you all continuing good health and looking forward to a time when we can all gather again,
Sandra Conrad
A message from the board on funding our Community Outreach account:
At our virtual meeting in May, the board voted unanimously to approve the transfer of $4,210 from our Dues Account to the Community Outreach Account.
The amount transferred represents funds we did not spend on the June luncheon, speakers, facilities and Art in Bloom.
These funds, along with the monies raised last week at our virtual plant sale, will allow us to support all of our Community Outreach activities as well as fund community grants and a scholarship at the same levels as in 2020.
It is gratifying to know we will be able to provide assistance to local organizations as we know the monetary effects of the pandemic will be long-lasting.
From the Treasurer
If you have outstanding bills to submit to GCC, please do so asap. Be sure to submit receipts along with a reimbursement form which is available on the website under Member Resources. Any questions, please contact Pam Hixon
Coming soon…
The annual Sign Up Genius for club committees and activities will be coming soon to your email box. Please keep in mind when you sign up that adjustments will be made as necessary dictated by what is and is not allowed due to the pandemic.
Committee News
Community Outreach
Kate Chartener and Beth Thut have things well under way in our two community gardens at the Town House and in West Concord at the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail.
As you can see, they recently had some expert help from their daughters spreading Sweet Peat at the Town House.

Caroline Thut, Beth Thut, Matilda Chartener

Caroline Thut, Kate and Matilda Chartener
If you have not already done so, please sign up to help maintain both gardens this season. It is a wonderful way to meet fellow club members and a perfect way to be outdoors and practice social distancing at the same time!
Here is the link:
Kathy Venne is stepping off as co-chair of Community Outreach, but will continue to work on both Ag Day and a new project for GCC, helping the town maintain the Veterans Memorial at the Milldam park.
Many thanks to Kathy for her contributions to Community Outreach as chair and this year as co-chair with Ellen Whitney. Ellen will remain as chair for next year.
Among the grants we approved this year was one to Orchard House for the renovation and restoration of the Little Women Garden.
If you have a chance, stop by to view the garden in person. Until then, please enjoy club member Ellen Whitney’s video of the work being done there:
Pam Nelson has graciously agreed to return for another two-year term as chair. Pam and her committee members have done a wonderful job of creating terrific educational and horticultural programming including a garden tour, messy moments, favorite garden books, etc.
They are already at work with many ideas for next year!
We do hope to be able to hold some or our meetings next season in person. Like all else in the brave new world we face, it is uncertain.
However, please be sure to thank Hilary Robinson for her past two years of overseeing, along with Erika Rodriguez, her co-chair this year, our festive meetings.
Many thanks are due to Lauren Huyett and her committee for interviewing and welcoming 11 new members to our club this year.
We all look forward to meeting those we have not been able to introduce and to renew acquaintance with those we have met.
The board voted unanimously to approve the following two members for nomination to the Executive Board for a two-year term:
Georgine Feldt, Recording Secretary
Katie Sluder, Treasurer
Georgine has been a member since 2016; Katie since 2006. They have each served in several capacities for the club and bring a commitment that will serve it well.
As we are unable to meet in person for our customary Annual Meeting in June, an email vote will be taken and recorded the second week of June.
We wish to thank Pam Hixon and Cris Van Dyke for their four years of service as Treasurer and Recording Secretary respectively. Please rest on those well-deserved laurels!
The board wishes to thank Kate Wharton, Chair of the Nominating Committee and its members: Georgine Feldt, Lauren Huyett, Maryann Street and Heather Swartwood for their work throughout the year.
Jane Rupley and Elise Woodward, co-chairs of the Programs Committee have been working assiduously for the past several months to arrange programming for next year.
As you might expect, doing so has been made more difficult by the uncertainty of being able to hold in-person meetings.
Jane, Elise and their committee, Kelley Bothe, Dennis Fiori, and Susan Hurley, are working together to arrange as many virtual programs as possible so that we can maintain our connection in the coming 2020-21 season.
Ways and Means
Remember those wonderful dahlias Donna Lane brought for her lecture? Well, we have some available for sale from another dahlia diva, Amal Moamar.
They are:
American Dawn $8
Gitt’s Attention $8
Jowey Winnie $8
Labyrinth $8
Robin Hood $7
Please contact Amal for information on specific dahlias.
If you are interested in purchasing any of these tubers, please contact me at for picking up. Proceeds will go to our Community Outreach account.
Remembrance of things past…
Ah, the Bake Sale, another casualty of the season. But, here is a photo of the wonderful cake Kate Wharton has made in the past for the sale.
Kate informs me it has no name, but “Kate’s Confection” would seem to suit! Even better than those petits madeleines…
More armchair travel…
Concord Museum’s virtual garden tour. The Museum is creating a virtual tour of 4 gardens in Concord for viewing the week of June 19th.
For further information please go to:
Keukenhof in the Netherlands is one of the world’s most beautiful gardens. Thanks to Carol Haines and Jane Rupley for sending this link.
Ellen Whitney recommends the Chelsea Flower Show for its weekly educational classes.
As you can surmise from this news-filled letter, despite the fact that we have been unable to meet since March, our club remains vital and engaged.
Until next time, keep the faith, gardening and otherwise,