March Newsletter
February Meeting Flowers by Pam Nelson
Greetings Garden Club members! This March Newsletter is a week early because your editor will be in Nashville next week eating as many meals at Biscuit Love as can be managed. There will be updates following this week’s field trip to the Glass Flowers and the Spring Outreach Workshop of course, but here is all you need to know now!
President Lauren Huyett is seeking feedback on our experience of the meeting location at Trinity Episcopal Church in February. Parking should get easier as the snow melts, so bear that in mind. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to Lauren
The Pansy Project sign up for April 10th is still open for any one interested. That link is here
March 19th Spring Outreach
This year’s Spring Workshop is open to all interested in attending to satisfy member demand for wider availability for this our most joyful group activity. We will begin with a light brunch followed by the arranging session which is always part education opportunity, part rugby-style treasure hunt. Event co-chairs Beth Kundert and Carol Hryniewicz have sent along a preview of this year’s arrangement, seen here on the left, and will cheerfully guide everyone through this colorful design. After flowers are ready, all participants will choose nominee addresses and deliver their arrangements. This is always everyone’s favorite part of the day.
The sign up still has room for both arrangers and delivery-only folks, AND we still need two head hosts to supply seltzer, plates, cups, and utensils for Brunch. Please! someone has to bring forks! Check, add, or adjust your status in the sign up linked here.
Date: March 19, 2025
Time: 10:30am – 1pm (note start time is earlier here that stated elsewhere; this is the correct time)
Where: Barn at Nashoba Brooks School, 200 Strawberry Hill Road
What to bring: Name tag, Apron, clippers/flower snips, and a cardboard box to stabilize the containers in your car during your deliveries.
Any questions can be directed to Beth Kundert at
Welcome new member, Ruthanne Igoe!
Ruthanne writes: “My husband and I moved here from Lexington about five years ago. We have three adult children, a grandson, and two golden retrievers. Those three adult children each have a golden retriever of their own that we frequently “babysit”, so you can often find us at home with five goldens! We enjoy being in Concord and love living in our old farmhouse and barn. My career before children was in education and publishing. When I’m not cleaning up dog hair, I love spending time outdoors and working in the garden! I love flowers and have a lot to learn about gardening. I’m looking forward to participating in Club activities and making new friends!”
Get out your Calendars
The Camelias are in bloom for not very much longer at Lyman Estate.
Need a reason to get out of town on April 19th? Topsfield Garden Club is hosting their annual Grow Spring! Expo
Which begs the question: CAN you get out of town on April 19th? Check the road closure map: click on the tab marked “Navigating the Day
Mark your calendars for a spring visit to the Reuttger’s special Clock Tower Barn Garden on May 10th, joining 5 other local gardens for an especially abundant Garden Conservancy Open Garden Day. Details here:
We have been sent a save the date notice for Rockport Garden Club’s June 28th Garden Tour:
Member Suggestions (send me yours!)
Dennis Fiori says this is one of his favorite gardening magazines:
Amal Moamar sent this favorite resource along
Ellen Matheson recommends
And added this recommendation after reading Margaret Roach’s article about Veronia
In the Atlantic, beautiful nighttime photos of earth taken from the Space Station: