June 2020 Newsletter

Town House Garden

The Milldam

W. Concord Garden
President’s Letter
We have come to the conclusion of a most unusual Garden Club season, one none of us will forget.
The societal, economic, health-related and other consequences of the pandemic have changed our world forever.
Small, but not insignificant comfort can be taken, I hope, in the efforts of the Garden Club of Concord to maintain its presence in the greater community, including, but by no means limited to, our beautification of it as seen in the photos above.
Our most recent addition, shown above, center, is the Veterans Memorial area at the Milldam in Concord Center.
We will be working with the Town to improve the care of this most important site. Thanks are due to Kathy Venne for pursuing this project and to Pam Nelson for helping me to plant the trough with beautiful annuals.
I do regret not being able to thank you all in person for making my first year as club president so rewarding. Your encouragement and support under challenging circumstances has meant a great deal.
What follows is a brief review and highlights of all we were able to achieve and enjoy despite having our season end sooner than planned:
September 2019
Our new garden was completed and installed at the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail in West Concord.
Many members also enjoyed a tour of Dennis Fiori’s lovely garden.
October 2019
Donna Lane presented a wonderful talk on “Sensational Dahlias” enjoyed by all, including Pat Lescalleet-Lashley.
November 2019
Richard Higgins presented a thoughtful talk on his work, Thoreau and the Language of Trees. Wilhelmina van der Wansem created her usual magic with an artful arrangement of dried flowers from her garden.

December 2019
This was our usual festive, busy month with the Holiday Workshop, Cans for Caring, Town Wreaths, Family Trees and the Holiday Luncheon! Plus, we welcomed three new members: Holly Darzen, Bean Nardi, and Madelene Wilson.
January 2020
Chris Sellew from Little Leaf Farms presented a talk on the family business based in Devens, Mass. The talk was followed that week by a field trip to the facility where the hydroponic lettuces are grown.
February 2020
We had an amazing turnout at the Umbrella for our public screening of “Five Seasons: The Gardens of Piet Oudolf.” The club received many notes of thanks from those attending.
March 2020
Marta Taylor and Pam Nelson were all set to create what we know would have been a beautiful arrangement for MFA’s annual Art in Bloom which was an early casualty of the pandemic. Next year! We also welcomed three new members: Jen Borden, Amy Easton, and Karen Perkins.
April 2020
Amal Moamar and Ellen Whitney created wonderful “Messy Moments” for us all to enjoy virtually. We welcomed four new members: Jane Coutre, Nan Gustafson, Jeanne Hamilton, and Sarah MacEachern.
May 2020
Although our annual plant sale fundraiser was canceled, we held a wonderfully successful virtual, members-only plant sale in its stead. The $2,563 raised will all go to our Community Outreach Programs, including grants and a scholarship. Kudos to all who helped organize this event and participated!
June 2020
Committee News
The recipient of our $1,000 club scholarship this year is Alexa Thomas, a rising senior at Landmark College. Alexa is majoring in environmental studies and is also a member of her college’s garden club (how wonderful to know such a thing exists!).
Here is a photo of one of the newly planted window boxes at the North Bridge Visitor Center. They received a grant from GCC again this year for seasonal annuals. (They were also delighted that the pansies planted last season wintered over!).
A reminder about annual dues was sent earlier, but please also remember to send any changes to your contact information (address, email, phone numbers) directly to me for updating our online directory. mailto:pspb@comcast.net
Town Gardens
Ellen Whitney happened upon this artist at her easel painting the always beautiful ‘Lou Shenk’ peony in the Town House Garden. Artist Peg Runcie traveled from Westwood to paint our much-admired peony.
Ways and Means
Notecards ($12/pkg.) are for sale. They may be picked up on Jen Lannan’s front porch (102 Sudbury Rd.). Please mail a check made payable to GCC, P.O. Box 1296, Concord, MA 01742. Cris Van Dyke’s extraordinary photos make these cards unique. All proceeds go to our Community Outreach programs.
Looking ahead…
Much remains uncertain about what lies ahead for us all as the pandemic reshapes our daily lives in myriad ways. What is not uncertain is the steadfast commitment of so many GCC members to keep our organization vital and committed to our mission in these challenging times. For that I am grateful beyond words.
I leave you with these wonderful photos from member Jane Deering’s garden where she, like all of you, I hope, finds “peace and solace.”
Sandra Conrad