Garden Flowers Needed!
These flowers are from mid-June and are the sort of thing we’re looking for — but anything goes!
Can you help with a few flowers or greens from your garden for the June luncheon?
We’re excited to be using only flowers and greens from members’ gardens in this year’s centerpieces.
Can you contribute a few stems?
We’re looking for not just big blooms, but things like –
– greens like hosta leaves or similar
– blooming shrubs like spirea, lingering rhododendron flowers, some azaleas
– vines like a single clematis bloom from your plant or other climbers
– nepeta, salvia, sage, camomile
– lady’s mantle, daisies, lupine, wood anemone, foxgloves, roses
– a few of the last peonies, coral bell, iris or allium
– a few stems of an annual
We’re especially hunting for smaller (like 4-8”) hosta leaves that can be found both on smaller-leafed plants and toward the center of larger leafed plants.
The idea is to gather a sampling of flowers from many gardens — like an unnoticeable few from each hosta or nepeta or daisy plant for instance — about 5-15 stems total depending on garden size and type of flower or green.
Please email me at if you can help by contributing some flowers.
I’ll be picking flowers in members gardens this Tuesday 8-3 and if needed 6-8pm and early Wednesday too.
I’ll stop by and pick judiciously from your garden — or you can leave a bucket with your contribution and let me know where and when it pick it up (I’ll transfer your contribution to my own bucket).
Alternately, drop off flowers/greens at my house anytime on Tuesday or on Wednesdaybefore 11.
There will be buckets by our Ridge Road entrance (315 Lexington Rd at the corner of Ridge; driveway off of Ridge)
This will be fun to do and fun to see!
Thanks for your help!
Ellen Whitney