Cassie Banning’s Fertilizer List
Dear Members:
Last week Cassie Banning of the Land and Garden Preserve treated us to an introduction to three incredible Downeast Maine gardens (Asticou Azalea Garden, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden, and Thuya Garden) and we learned there is such a thing as plant stakes painted Delphinium Green. (I for one might currently be considering that color for a room in my house!) After a survey of the extensive maintenance schedule required for those beautiful and densely planted landscapes, Cassie sent along the list of their favored fertilizers for our reference. Enjoy!
Acidic compost
Goat manure
Leaf mold
Home-made compost tea
Sustane slow release organic fertilizer
North County Organics- Pro-grow
Organic Horticultural alfalfa meal
Neptune Harvest Fish & Seaweed liquid fertilizer
Coast of Maine bagged compost- Compost & Peat Blend