A is for August and Abbondanza!

Tomatoes come in fast in August!
And, so do pollinators! I need air traffic control to direct all the bird and insect pollinators in my summer garden.

Left to right: Veronicastrum “Culver’s Root,” Rudbeckia Laciniata, “Autumn Sun,” and Agastache, “Blue Fortune”
Here, too, are the sunflowers started from the free seeds picked up at the library.
I hope that this finds you, too, enjoying the bounty of your gardens (apart from the weeds!). Please feel free to send me photos of what is growing to share with club members.
Iris lovers take note:
My neighbor, Brooke Cash, has 25-30 divisions of Iris Germanica, “Immortality,” a lovely, fragrant rebloomer, that she is happy to donate to anyone interested. Please contact her directly at mailto:bwcash@gmail.com

Iris Germanica “Immortality”
Good works…
I hope that many of you saw the article about Honorary GCC Member, Sarah Hindle, in the Concord Journal.
Sarah is the Honorary Chair of this year’s Virginia Thurston Healing Garden Quarantine TEAM 2020 Walk, Run, Bike or Hike fundraiser. She is also the recipient of this year’s Steward of Hope Award.
The Healing Garden in Harvard is set on 8 acres of lovely, tranquil gardens and provides support to all those affected by cancer.
To read more about the Healing Garden and to view the Journal article, please click these links:
Congratulations to Sarah and her continuing commitment to such a good cause!
Stay tuned for the September newsletter which will have information on our virtual programming to start the season.
Until that time, best wishes for good health and a good harvest of summer bounty.
Sandra Conrad