4 events found.
GCC Board Meeting
Trustees Room, Concord Free Public LibraryConcord Ag Day & Kitchen Garden Tour
Concord CenterOnce again, the garden club will participate in Concord's Annual Ag Day to celebrate the bounty of Concord's many local farms. There will be a table with activities for children. We will sponsor a tour of local kitchen gardens from 1-4 p.m. Tour passes will be available from 10-2 p.m.
Welcome Back Social
1455 Monument St.Join us at the home of Charity Tremblay, 1455 Monument St., to begin a new season of GCC! Please bring any bounty from your gardens for sharing. We will have a brief meeting.
Tour of Dennis Fiori’s garden
309 Strawberry Hill Rd.Please remember to park across the street at the Nashoba Brooks School parking lot. Walk across the road to visit the garden.