5 events found.
GCC Board Meeting
via ZoomBeatrix Farrand’s American Landscapes
Zoom presentationPlease join us via Zoom for a streaming of the film Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes on October 21st at 1 p.m. Hosts for the film will be club members Dennis Fiori and Jane Rupley. They will be joined by Patrick Chassé, a renowned landscape architect with an extensive knowledge of Beatrix Farrand's gardens, both public…
GCC Board Meeting
via ZoomVirtual Tour of the Bridge of Flowers
Zoom presentationPlease join us for a Zoom presentation by Kirsten Torkelson who will take us on a virtual tour of the famous "Bridge of Flowers" in Shelburne Falls, Mass. Learn how this former trolley bridge was transformed into a thriving garden atop the Deerfield River. Kirsten is a versatile photographer based in Foxboro. She has a…